Information for Healthcare Providers

This service is currently only available on Thursdays.  Other days may be available on request.

All the equipment and medication (including oxygen) for the safe sedation of your patient is supplied with my service. This includes all equipment and emergency drugs recommended for treating medical emergencies and sedation-related complications.

Before commencing a sedation all staff involved with the patient will be briefed on emergency procedures. 

The process: 

  • If you have discussed sedation with a patient, or if they have contacted you and requested sedation for their procedure, the first step is for you to contact me here or email [email protected]
  • After discussing the medical history of the patient and the proposed procedure, I will assess the patient’s suitability for intravenous sedation. 
  • Once an appointment time is made I will contact the patient and discuss the sedation and send them the pre- and post-sedation instructions.
  • On the day of the procedure I will need twenty minutes to set up my equipment and to see the patient before their appointment to discuss the procedure and obtain written informed consent.
  • Following the sedation, the patient will require approximately twenty minutes to recover before being escorted home by a responsible adult, preferably by car.